Sunday, January 5, 2020

Happy New Year!

Hello hello, I am long overdue again, my apologies.

The SFOT well so well! I opted for the IV sedation, because I know how my anxiety works. If I opted for the oral sedation pill, I would have taken it and while waiting the hour for it to kick in I'd get a panic attack over the anticipation because it's basically getting roofied. The IV plugs you in and turns you off.
I woke up a ways through (half? 2/3rds?) and remember her stitching up and also cutting the sides of the MSE off for me. I was in and out but was calm as could be because they also gave me an anti-anxiety injection. I didn't feel a thing. When she was done I was OK enough to get up, thank her, walk out and help mom pull up a map to get me home. I was chillin.
The soreness afterwards was very tolerable. I got swollen, but no bruising! Really, getting the MSE in was worse. NO issue at all!

Day 2 or 3 here, max swelling. Pardon the I'm home from work all week and not doing my makeup look:

Day 5, still slightly swollen, but not obvious to strangers. I felt good enough to go out and get a pedicure to spice up the lazy week. Treat yo self.

Note, again I only needed the pain meds for the first 3 days. I was really fine on day 4.

Also note, they put a type of glue all over the stitches. It looked really gross, like I just had tons of gunk stuck in there, but I didn't. It was to keep everything sealed and safe. It also kept the ends of the stitches from swinging all around. and yes, for day 1 it tasted like glue.

I also healed very very well. In fact, She had me start the invisalign in December. I am on week 4, putting in a new tray every Thursday! I don't mind them. It's sore to pop out, and I feel they are still noticable, but not nearly as much as metal braces. I need to wear them 22 hours a day and between 3 meals and sometimes a snack, I feel I have them in 21-22 hours a day. No more weight loss yet (i am down about 15lbs from July 30th the day I had the MSE installed.) Still would like to drop another 15 to be at my goal weight though :P

So at the 2 week mark though, I went in the have the stitches out. It was quick and painless, looked back to normal afterwards, and the doc was really happy with my results. I think I gained 2mm of bone all around the lower arch so my teeth have real estate to move into. Hopefully, that is enough and I don't have to do this again.

Price: $3500 which was the most painful part.


  1. I'm curiously following this series of posts and I'm definitely interested in knowing how it all works out in the end. Thanks for diligently blogging. First-hand case reports are worth a lot more than averaged data from studies, or marketing materials.

    1. When I was researching around for the MSE, there were 2 accounts with a handful of great videos on you tube and just some research papers! That's why I am trying to do my part. That was early 2019 and now there so SO MANY more personal accounts online! I'm really glad I went ahead with this process, it's been really worth it :D Have you decided to do the MSE as well?

  2. How is it going now? does your lower jaw have enough bone to expand the arch? I went to get a consult about this same procedure and the periodontist said he could only get 1 1/2 mm of additional bone and that is not worth the energy. Initially the ortho said i needed 8 mm expansion on the upper based on the lower etc. But after waiting a long time for an answer, they say they are now worried about not enough bone. I din't know there was a limit on this.

    Please update and post some more photos!

    1. Hello, how is it going? Did you start this process? The SFOT bone grafting really fixed this issue for me. And, they said if one session didn't give me enough to match the upper, it can be done again! So far, the 1 session was good enough and gave me 2mm all around, which is 4mm from side to side I guess.

  3. I'm currently dealing with an MSE. Recently had the arms cut off as they were digging into the sides of my gums. Do you have any idea how your ortho/surgeon removed the arms off your device? My guy used a drill and whatever the hell he did in there, it's really pissed the surrounding tissue off. I'm thinking he's never removed the arms before....

    I'm thinking there's a good chance this MSE is going to be chalked up as a fail (tissue has been inflamed all around the screws since day two) and if I'm going to do a round two, I want to ensure he does everything right this time.

    1. Also thanks for sharing all the details about your process. I read through your blog before getting my MSE installed and it was a great help


11-29-2020 Update - Rubber Bands

 Hello again, I suppose I owe an update- When I went into the orthodontist in late September I was expecting to get my last 10 aligners and ...