Sunday, November 29, 2020

11-29-2020 Update - Rubber Bands

 Hello again, I suppose I owe an update-

When I went into the orthodontist in late September I was expecting to get my last 10 aligners and be merrily on my way. NOPE. They decided to do some more refinements and I ended up committed to 24 more aligners and rubber bands. Joy. 

This involved sitting with my mouth stretch open for an hour while they glued on more buttons and what look like snaps to my lower back teeth. The rubber bands loop around these snaps and into a slit in my top tray, 1 on each side. 

Overall, it's fine. It's really not bad. I just hoped I'd be all done by my birthday at the end of the year. The rubber bands are definitely pulling my jaw to the right which does hurt a bit. Both sides take turns hurting and popping and sometimes I wake up and need an ice pack, several times now I've needed some OTC pain meds. I bite the inside of my left cheek often when I chew. I feel like I chew like a cow because my bites off again. But, it's still pretty OK. I just had different expectations. At least they are really not any more noticeable than the aligners themselves and also I wear a mask if I'm around anyone.

When this is all said and done I am going for a cleaning and some whitening. I feel that will be the icing on this painful little cake so I have a nice bright smile to look forward too.

Reminds me of:

K bye.


  1. Hi, would you mind answering two questions? It would be helpful:
    1.Did you have any asymmetry or complication during the expansion process?
    2.Did you have to get x rays? a CBXT maybe?
    Thanks in advance

  2. Hi! You look amazing, they've done some great work with you. I'm looking to get the same type of work done and was wondering if you could tell me the name of the provider you've been working with? I live in NC but there are few, if any, providers in the state that offer these services and I'm willing to relocate. Thanks

  3. Thank you so much for sharing your story! I just got mine put in 5 days ago so your insights are very helpful. At 45 y.o.,I hope my old bones move. Lol! I just wanted to pass on to you that you're at least lucky to have figured this out earlier in life. It seems like it's helped you have the energy to make major life changes on many levels. I wish I had 10 years rewound to see what I could have accomplish without being so tired and cranky all the time. All the best to you and congrats on being so brave!

  4. Thank you for sharing your journey! I'm curious did you ever have an extractions?

  5. Hey there, I really appreciate your blog. I'm a woman in my late 30s who is considering MSE to correct a narrow maxilla and sleep disordered breathing. Your posts answered a ton of my questions, and with a touch of humor, too. Your transformation has been incredible. Thank you! Your internet fans look forward to your final result. :)

  6. Hi Nikki, wondering if you can provide an update for us after getting your MSE removed by now - has there been any side effects? Been following your case online for a year and a half, from TheGreatWork! Cheers !


11-29-2020 Update - Rubber Bands

 Hello again, I suppose I owe an update- When I went into the orthodontist in late September I was expecting to get my last 10 aligners and ...