The SFOT well so well! I opted for the IV sedation, because I know how my anxiety works. If I opted for the oral sedation pill, I would have taken it and while waiting the hour for it to kick in I'd get a panic attack over the anticipation because it's basically getting roofied. The IV plugs you in and turns you off.
I woke up a ways through (half? 2/3rds?) and remember her stitching up and also cutting the sides of the MSE off for me. I was in and out but was calm as could be because they also gave me an anti-anxiety injection. I didn't feel a thing. When she was done I was OK enough to get up, thank her, walk out and help mom pull up a map to get me home. I was chillin.
The soreness afterwards was very tolerable. I got swollen, but no bruising! Really, getting the MSE in was worse. NO issue at all!
Day 2 or 3 here, max swelling. Pardon the I'm home from work all week and not doing my makeup look:
Note, again I only needed the pain meds for the first 3 days. I was really fine on day 4.
Also note, they put a type of glue all over the stitches. It looked really gross, like I just had tons of gunk stuck in there, but I didn't. It was to keep everything sealed and safe. It also kept the ends of the stitches from swinging all around. and yes, for day 1 it tasted like glue.
I also healed very very well. In fact, She had me start the invisalign in December. I am on week 4, putting in a new tray every Thursday! I don't mind them. It's sore to pop out, and I feel they are still noticable, but not nearly as much as metal braces. I need to wear them 22 hours a day and between 3 meals and sometimes a snack, I feel I have them in 21-22 hours a day. No more weight loss yet (i am down about 15lbs from July 30th the day I had the MSE installed.) Still would like to drop another 15 to be at my goal weight though :P
So at the 2 week mark though, I went in the have the stitches out. It was quick and painless, looked back to normal afterwards, and the doc was really happy with my results. I think I gained 2mm of bone all around the lower arch so my teeth have real estate to move into. Hopefully, that is enough and I don't have to do this again.
Price: $3500 which was the most painful part.